Ma Thèse en 180 secondes

Art Direction, Motion Design, IDentity


MT180 is a french contest that allows PhD student to introduce their research studies in 3 minutes to a diversified audience.

After having accompanied the CNRS and the MT180 team in 2018, Philip and I were approached by the CNRS for the second year to produce the teaser and the opener of the 2019 edition event.

Our main challenge was to make a difference with the previous teaser while maintaining consistency with the other communication assets. 

— Let there be light ! 

As this is an event that highlights the students' work and acts as a huge source for those Phd students who want to expose their work to the public, we introduced for this new edition a tangible look and feel with a light source which has a central place throughout the entire clip. The light stands for this exceptional platform created by CNRS giving visibility for those who have great ideas!

MT180 Motion art direction 1
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 2
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 3
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 4
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 5
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 6
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 7
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 8
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 9
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 10
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 11
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 12
MT 180 Motion Art Direction 13

— In action :

— See More Work

Break the loop⌛Art Direction, Motion Design

Smiley Motion LoopArt Direction, Motion Design, Sound design

Motion Meet-Up LyonArt Direction, Motion Design

Ping Pong ClubArt Direction

Jungle WoodkidsArt Direction, Motion Design

What is XSquashArt Direction, Motion Design

2019 GreetingsArt Direction, Motion Design

Far WestArt Direction, Motion Design

Toys On StrikeArt Direction, Motion Design

André Manoukian - ApatrideArt Direction, Motion Design

© 2020, François Cauderlier. All rights reserved.